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Readings and Resources: Play


The readings we suggest on play and tinkering include:


Find out more about The Art of Tinkering book


Here's another new resource with project ideas for sewing with lights, from Leah Buechley, Kanjun Qiu, and Sonja de Boer:

Visit the Sew Electric website

Thanks to @skola2015 for reminding us to include Leah's work. (Leah was featured in last year's LCL and wrote the foreword to the Art of Tinkering).


And the videos from Mitch visiting Denmark. It's so importent. For our kids, for us and the future. Remix education. And don't take the PISA results for the only truth. The talks are so inspiring...


@skola2015: Here are some videos from the LEGO Foundation IDEA conference last week:


It must have been an amazing conference. I saw your talk and the others on Vimeo. It really gave me confidence to think further. It´s the right path... smile

But why doesn´t politicians think that way? It´s way too much PISA-results, and a quickfix to reach better results.

Sorry, I should´t discuss in Readings and Resources. But the videos got my head spinn around.


I think there was a mention of a few links in the videos. One was to the EdCamp virtual meeting. (Was that recorded by chance?) I haven't found the link yet, but would love to view/share with a friend. Thanks


Yes, here's the link to the recorded EdCamp virtual meeting that Kristen Swanson shared:


Great. Thank you Natalie!


Like this so much!!
This is very interesting about Ed Camp .The programme looks amazing and really full of great ideas.I never thought in Texas did that.
Communication is sometimes kind of motivating anyway the people who are interviewed from different USA representations are full of great ideas,
Ed Camps are special because teachers learn a lot , feel free to ask questions and people share knowledge
Teachers learn how to teach in a different way.Teachers are considered as really important people.


I just watched this great TED talk by Tim Brown: Tales of Creativity and Play.

It discusses the relationship between play and creative thinking.


Hi @mresmres

I enjoyed the video with Ms Hirsh-Pasek
and how she explained creative learning in terms of the 6Cs: Collaboration, Communication, Content, Critical Thinking, Creative Innovation, Confidence.

I was quite surprised when she said that we are too busy blogging to listen to people (when she was talking about "Communication"). Actually, blogging is a writing medium that invites conversations and a basic premise of the blogging medium is that the writer is willing to listen. That's why there is a comment box at the end of each blogpost.

For myself, I've been able to have really amazing conversations on my blog, and I've even had "experts" weigh-in who are people I would normally never have a chance to have a conversation with...

Anyways...I thought it was strange how she said we are so busy blogging (and tweeting and facebooking) that we're not listening. These are all tools where communication goes both ways. It depends on what we do with the tool. We could say the same thing for old fashioned snail mail and the telephone. Certainly, blogging has more chances to have a conversation with the reader than research papers. smile (I won't get started on Twitter...but follow the #pypchat hashtag on Twitter to see some pretty amazing sharing, teaching, and conversations on Inquiry Learning.)

Anyways, if you get a chance, I hope you pass on this comment to her.

Thanks and cheers!



Tony Wagner's video is wonderful!

Some amazing thoughts here:

-Outlier teachers that encourage play, passion, and purpose produce Innovative Creative Problem Solvers (They did research of such people to see what made them the way they were.)

-High Tech High where a humanities teacher team taught with a physics teacher. See what the students produced for their exhibition...


Article by Peter Gray: Can Lego Help Return Play to Children’s Lives and Education?


Just in case people are curious what a Professional Learning Network twitter chat looks like, here is the latest #pypchat This was held yesterday. Coincidentally, they were talking about the topic of Professional Learning . #PYPchat happens every second Thursday. All are welcomed to discuss "Inquiry Learning" , even if you're not a PYP teacher but just want to talk about Inquiry Learning, Student-Led Learning etc. The most active chat is the Asia Pacific chat which is the example I posted. (I wasn't able to make it yesterday.) More Info here about the chat schedule:

I have been posting to #LCLtalk which is the hashtag for Learning Creative Learning, by the way. See you there!