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What is appropriate on Scratch (privacy)?


This is just some quick feedback. I noticed some intro projects include personal information like locations and even e-mail addresses.

I know there are great resources on Scratch for community guidelines (here), but my suggestion is maybe future LCL courses can take more time to focus a little about what is OK and what is not OK.

With the week 2 activity for Projects, I can see how it might seem OK to share personal information for something that is supposed to be an introduction. My concern is that we don't rub off bad habits on younger Scratchers, who should not be sharing things like full real names, ages, where they live, and e-mail addresses.

If I'm looking at this wrong or being too cautious, that's fine. I understand. I'd rather be guilty of erring on the side of caution, though. Just a thought. Thanks


Thanks for raising this, James. I had wondered about whether to raise this in LCL, and now in the future will make sure we do. In the Scratch community guidelines we include, "Keep personal info private. For safety reasons, don't use real names or post contact info like phone numbers or addresses."


I think I need more practice it´s a great experience and challenge I really like it ,it´s a good option for my students.