Hi everyone! I’d like to point 2 examples of P2P in Brazil that worth to take a look. If someone needs help with the language I can help you.
In Sao Paulo, Bandeirantes School is doing a very nice job with the QMágico http://www.qmagico.com.br/.
Still speaking of basic education, but in the digital world, I would highlight the initiative of correction essay writing to prepare for the Enem test (High School National Exam; is a non-mandatory, standardized Brazilian national exam, which evaluates high school students in Brazil): http://www.adaptativa.com.br/. In order to correct the essays this platform makes training for young people . There are some criteria that make up the note. Once the student learns from an essay corrected by teachers and learns the grading criterion by criterion, he/she will correct the essay from other colleagues. Last year, each volunteer corrected, on average, 6 essays and the final score ended up being very close to the collated by teachers. This is a very nice example of P2P because students learn while doing.