Thanks for mentioning this, @CyberParra !
I like that you included the spirals. Nice tip of the hat there.
Here's mine for the gallery:
My son and I made this project together, he helped with all aspects and assumed role of project leader. We have since turned it into a game and are working to finish it soon.
Whenever anyone creates a project on Scratch, they always start with a blank background as a canvas to work on and the Scratch cat as a starting sprite. My son had an idea to do what started as just a story in Scratch about all the Scratch cats who may have gotten deleted throughout 5 million projects.
We went from there and turned it into an achievement game with secret achievements hidden throughout, with a goal of hopefully encouraging others to help add achievements.
One thing that has seemed useful so far has been trying to set up Scratch blocks with other users in mind. I am trying to improve the code we wrote so it is easier for other users to familiarize with when someone looks inside. I am also trying to improve how easy it is to jump in with a remix of our project. If you take a look at it and have any suggestions, let me know. The game aims mostly for fun nostalgia, but may be useful in coding groups for kids. One potential workshop could be to offer a partially-finished version of the game (I might share a version for this purpose later) and ask learners to fill in the remaining achievements or redo the project in other ways.
An intentional goal has been to make it so that there is some structure but room to explore. I am considering a lot from the last LCL in designing this project, specifically related to "this is how you do this" versus "how would you do this?" My code is not the most elegant or efficient, so I especially do not want to discourage other ways of doing things. I am trying to find a balanced approach to coding template design for collaborators that is conducive to creative learning.
Many of the achievements reference newer pop culture such as the recent popularity of the browser game "Cookie Clicker" and some not-so-new such as M.C. Hammer's "2 Legit 2 Quit." Achievements could be redone with most or all achievements related to a specific lesson or course topic instead.
I feel like there is a lot to learn about creative learning from Scratch due to how Scratch builds their community and how the environment encourages participation.
Has anyone else created a Scratch project for the 5,000,000 projects shared celebration?