I started outlining a pub for those that are now enrolled in MOOCs and those that would like to enroll. I've been through five MOOCs dealing with a similar topic, and I've concluded that there might be a need for a written and illustrated guide for MOOCs...particularly those that are similar in design and delivery. I will include information and guides for discussion forums, maps, peer evaluation, navigation, record keeping, archiving lessons, requirements for uploading, online and downloadable tools available to the student that are useful, etc., etc. This pub will be made available through MOOC Twitter accounts and MOOC Facebook accounts.
Began work on guide for MOOCS

This is a great idea. The online MOOC "aggregators" that are currently available are very basic in format and in the information they provide.
Another MOOC technology I'd love to see is a personal MOOC recordkeeping structure, either web-based, iDevice app or software, with a friendly and innovative interface that would allow one to quickly access all the MOOC platforms in which one has previously enrolled or might enroll from one screen, see all the forum posts, quizzes and assignments one has submitted (assuming I'd have to copy or import these myself -- I currently copy these into email and save them that way), quickly search for information within MOOCs or at least MOOC notes that one has previously taken, show a timeline for all the MOOCs one is currently taking including when quizzes, homework and other tasks are due, show people contacts one has made through previous MOOCs that one has transferred to Google+, Twitter or other contact platforms, etc.