Hi all! I'm a creative writing coach working out of Hong Kong and exploring ways to broaden my classroom approach.
I run an afterschool learning centre which accommodates around 100 students a week, engaging in month long creative and academic writing projects based around one area of written English. Our monthly topics revolve around a single word/technique (Persuade , Entertain, Inform, debate etc.) from which students are encouraged to pursue individual/group projects in a field of their choosing. At present we are a pencil and paper only experience.
I have quite a unique situation in that I'm able to offer free courses to accommodate my whims and experiments and can usually find kids to test my evil creations on.
I'm currently working on an initiative to incorporate the fundamentals of individual writing styles into month long projects, ultimately with deliverable digital artefacts as the goal. Finding ways to draw from traditional writing activities as inspiration for digital animation, data presentation or simulation projects. Details are fast and loose at present and I'm planning to start a blog to document the development process for the programme. With a goal to holding some pilot sessions in January 2015.
At this stage I'm curious to hear of any projects that bear any resemblance to this that I may drawn inspiration from.
Www.sprouts.com.hk is home to my current website if anybody cares!