Could you please give more information about using "discourse" for scaffolding knowledge with the community? How can I use the features to systematize and offer a good synthesis of the discussion,
Collaborative learning using discourse
Hey @alexandra_okada, we've also been using discourse over at P2PU -, http://discourse, and What do you mean when you say 'systamatize' and 'synthesis'? Do you want to encourage a certain format to communication and do you wish to get useful summaries from existing discussion?
Discourse is good at helping new community members gently get into the community. Sometimes gently may be a little too gently, for instance, discourse restricts the number of links new users can post. You can configure and customize this if it doesn't suit your need.
Also, discourse sends out a regular digest according to user preferences. I won't call it a summary, but it gives you an idea of the activity in the community.