A spring, a spring a marvelous thing.
Almost anything inside the house or outside the house was raw material for our childhood imaginations.
We played until dinner, ran back outside after dinner until we were called back at dusk by a familiar call from our home. We had time to think, to create, to design, to develop skills that we needed, and to improve our childhood inventions. We shared what worked and what did not work.
Our two-family house was small, but I had found a wonderful place to play while my mother prepared our meals, the stairway that began in the basement and led up to the apartment above ours.
Did I mention it was the Sputnik era?
One day, my dad came home with a slinky. I held one end of the slinky in one hand and the other end in the other hand and stretched my arms apart as far as they would go. But, there was still plenty of coil left to be stretched. I quickly jerked one end to see what would happen as the slinky “slinked” into my other hand.
The result was chaos and a tangled mess if the timing, angles, and tension were not just right. I ran to the stairs and spent hours trying to get my slinky to launch off the top step and move down step-by-step perfectly down to the bottom step. Not so easy, not so simple. Why did it stop? Or progressively skip steps and then slide down on its belly and tangle?
Slinky’s perfectly coiled spring often got stretched beyond its limit! The wire would become misshapen and refuse to recoil. But I had more questions and ideas for trials.
50 years later, I still have a slinky on my game shelf, this particular one was given to me by two MA NASA Challenger Teachers, Gisele Zangari and Caroline Goode. At the time I was involved in a professional development course based on the NASA curriculum titled: Toys in Space. In front of us were many of the toys from our childhoods, and yes, there was the slinky, now made out of plastic. The Shuttle crew had brought these toys into space to show how gravity would affect how they work. The teachers at the workshop played with each toy and talked about how they thought each toy would react in zero gravity. And then they watched the video of the NASA space crew lifting the slinky, extending the Slinky’s coils, playing with them, pushing then forward and backward and watching how they work. www.youtube.com/watch?v=xX1uX_3ovyc
I did not know that on the backstairs as a child I was experimenting with Hooke's Law, spring physics, resisting forces, waves, and the science behind coil springs. I do know that I connected those experiences to my learning when these concepts were brought up in school. As a teacher for the last 40 years, I drew on the wonder and thinking involved in these childhood experiences to design innovative learning experiences for my students that combined inquiry, imagination and play, and content.