Hi LCL Folk!
For my LCL3 project I would like to start to design workshops and activities for the my local library makerspace.
The makerspace started last year and we successfully partecipated to Rome Maker Faire and we proposed many book related activities, in particular using Scratch and Makey Makey.
For LCL2 I developed the following project "Fables on the computer" related to the topic
I would like to work on http://family.media.mit.edu/ developed by the MIT Media Lab (Ricarose Roque in particular) adapting and adding activities for creative libraries
Family Creative Learning is a workshop series that engages children and
their parents to learn together — as designers and inventors — through
the use of creative technologies. We designed the workshops to
strengthen the social support and expertise of families with limited
access to resources and experiences around computing.
I hope to find other LCL Learners to share ideas about my ongoing project.
@heloisazal @raffaella @CyberParra @Marco_Vigelini @eineki @Angelasofia_Lombardo @sashastef @franca @tarmelop