I could be wrong about this, so this is either a tip or request for clarifying help.
On the EdCamp page, it says to include "edcamp" as a tag when creating a new event. Some of the upcoming EdCamps use EventBrite pages for their events. You might notice that there is not a place on EventBrite to put tags when creating an event in EventBrite. What the EdCamp instructions refer to (I think) is that you need to post an EdCamp post on edcamp.wikispaces.com and use the tag system there.
If you use EventBrite, you can set up your EventBrite event and get it into the wikispace post at edcamp.wikispaces.com (might be able to link a wikispace account to EventBrite and somehow do it through the wikispace post, not sure there).
I'm mentioning this because at time of this post, the wikispace page of the next event listed in Arlington uses EventBrite and has a big "create an event" towards top and could be confusing. It tried to trip me up, until I saw EdCamp is a wikispace site and not all EdCamps use EventBrite.