Let's Get Passionate!
When focusing on meaningful tasks, people work longer and harder, persist in the face of challenges, and learn more in the process. Here, we'll help get you started exploring the role of passion in creative learning. Below you'll find:
- 7 videos
- 1 reading and a great animation
- Creative learning space activity prompt
1. Videos
All the videos are below, or for download here.
Video 1: Intro to Passion
Mitch and Natalie discuss the Scratch projects and process LCLers have shared in the discussion forums--and then give a quick intro to today's session.
Video 2: Passion and Learning
Natalie introduces this week's topic and talks about the role of passion in learning with Mitch and Philipp.
Video 3: Tour a Computer Clubhouse
Jackie Gonzalez gives us a tour of the Flagship Computer Clubhouse. (To find out more about Computer Clubhouses, see this week's LCL reading and visit http://computerclubhouse.org)
Video 4: Jaleesa's Experience at the Clubhouse
Jaleesa Trapp describes her experience learning at the Computer Clubhouse. From a recent panel at the Digital Media and Learning conference, with questions from Mimi Ito and Nichole Pinkard, who organized the session.
Video 5: How do you support interest-based learning?
Mimi Ito suggests ways that school can help support interest-based learning. We then ask you to discuss: How do you support interest-based learning in your home, school, work, or community?
Optional: Mimi Ito on Relevance
Mimi Ito argues for a broader definition of interests, and provides an example from her childhood. This clip is from the first year of Learning Creative Learning (2013).
2. Readings
Here are readings for Week 3 on Passion -- we're interested to hear your thoughts.
Natalie Rusk, Mitchel Resnick, & Stina Cooke (2009): Origins and Guiding Principles of the Computer Clubhouse, in The Computer Clubhouse: Constructionism and Creativity in Youth Communities
- En Español: Origen y Principios Guía del Club Juvenil de Informática (from Eduteka.org)
Daniel Pink (2010). Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us (video)
3. Activity - Visit a Local Creative Learning Space
Find questions for your visit, share your observations and get inspired by your co-learners in the passion activity discussion. While there, be sure to check out the Maker Faire in Shenzhen, entrepreneurship center in Guatemala City, maker space and language center in Iran, Engineering Design Kitchen in Texas, and open mic poetry space in Pennsylvania. You can also look at the Passion category page to jump into existing discussions or start your own topic about passion and learning!