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Explore Peers


It's Better Together

Learning flourishes as a social activity-with people sharing ideas, collaborating on projects, and building on one another's work. Let's get started exploring the role of peers in creative learning. Below, you'll find:

  1. 6 Videos
  2. 3 readings
  3. Peer learning activity prompt

1. Videos

As always, the videos are available below or by download.

1) Intro to Peers Session
Natalie and Philipp comment on last week's activity and give a brief overview of the videos and discussion today.

2) Peers and Learning Intro Discussion
Philipp talks with Mitch and Natalie about the value of peers in the learning process.

3) Peer Learning at EdCamp
EdCamps are unconferences for educators by educators. They are a new form of professional development that uses peer-to-peer learning to explore topics that educators want to learn about.

4) P2PU
Philipp talks with Bekka Kahn and Delia Browne about P2PU, the way it started, and how learning works in small groups of peer learners.

Optional: Peer Learning in Scratch
Philipp speaks with Champika Fernando, a researcher in the Scratch team, about peer learning mechanisms in the Scratch online community and how she designs new features to support peer learning.

Optional: Peer Learning as an Undergrad at MIT
Philipp speaks with Sam Shames, an MIT undergraduate student in Material Science about peer learning at MIT. Sam shares his skepticism about peer learning, and how he changed his mind about it.

2. Readings

Here are a couple readings to discuss related to this week's theme of peers:

Philipp Schmidt: The Great Peer Learning Pyramid Scheme.
John Seely Brown and Richard Adler (2008): Minds on Fire. Educause Review.
Ivan Illich: Deschooling Society (Chapter 6: Learning Webs)

Let us know what you think about these, or suggest other papers, videos, articles you found useful in the context of peer learning.

3. Activity - Learning with Peers in Action

What are you interested in exploring with some other LCL peers this week? Head over to the activity topic to begin discussing questions, ideas and projects with your peers.

P.S. Remember that there is no "i" in pier.