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Musings & Reflections on LCL2


For some reason, today I had this adage pop into my head, "Would you rather be a big fish in a small pond, or a small fish in the sea"? I realized that most people I know in the workplace would prefer to be a big fish in a small pond, and in trying to achieve that, they swim in tiny circles, regurgitating the same approaches, rules and regulations, and methods that they are 'comfortable' with, because those who can help elevate them to become a bigger fish in their small ponds, prefer to support what they already know, so to speak.

It dawned on me that I have always preferred to be a smaller fish in a larger lake, ocean, whatever you want to call it. Why? Because I always want to know that no matter where I am at any given moment, there are an infinite number of directions that I can swim in, learning new things, experiencing new adventures, and maybe meeting some new folks along the way. This LCL2 has made me realize not only how I learn best, but also why I prefer to learn that way.

What are your take-aways from LCL2 so far?


So...anyone else care to add to this thread since we are now done with this course for the time being? I'm interested in hearing other's take aways... wink


I always wanted to be a flying fish! laughing