My Story of Learning Creative Learning using Scratch

@caricari I'm glad you have been experimenting more with Scratch! You were in the Breakout group I was in last week, I am excited to see how you fit your Scratch experience in with your interest-based club project for kids you mentioned involving future technologies and paper books.
I tried your link out and it looks like it has not been shared yet. To share your project so others can see it, log in to the Scratch website and then go to your project page. You should see a "Share" button right above the "See Inside" button in the top right corner:
Best wishes!

James_B, Thank you very much for your kindness. I clicked "share button" for everyone to see my project.

James_B, this is my project for Share Fair today, but I can't move this to that place. could you help me?

Try posting a link to this thread and/or your Scratch project as a reply to the Share Fair thread:
If you are trying to move this thread to the Share Fair category (forum area), it might be locked so that we can't do that. I couldn't find it in my list. Here is how you would normally move a thread you posted, though:
- Click the edit button on your thread's first post (it has to be a thread you started):
- Select the dropdown menu to choose which forum category you want to move your thread to. You will then be able to select the desired forum category from a dropdown list or type it in:

I moved a post to an existing topic: Share your project (May 6 Share Fair)