Hi @mresmres
I enjoyed the video with Ms Hirsh-Pasek http://vimeo.com/91835275
and how she explained creative learning in terms of the 6Cs: Collaboration, Communication, Content, Critical Thinking, Creative Innovation, Confidence.
I was quite surprised when she said that we are too busy blogging to listen to people (when she was talking about "Communication"). Actually, blogging is a writing medium that invites conversations and a basic premise of the blogging medium is that the writer is willing to listen. That's why there is a comment box at the end of each blogpost.
For myself, I've been able to have really amazing conversations on my blog, and I've even had "experts" weigh-in who are people I would normally never have a chance to have a conversation with...
Anyways...I thought it was strange how she said we are so busy blogging (and tweeting and facebooking) that we're not listening. These are all tools where communication goes both ways. It depends on what we do with the tool. We could say the same thing for old fashioned snail mail and the telephone. Certainly, blogging has more chances to have a conversation with the reader than research papers. (I won't get started on Twitter...but follow the #pypchat hashtag on Twitter to see some pretty amazing sharing, teaching, and conversations on Inquiry Learning.)
Anyways, if you get a chance, I hope you pass on this comment to her.
Thanks and cheers!