I'm interested in the relationship between online and offline groups to create supportive, creative, and playful communities. What is the right balance in online/offline that works for you? How have you used playful and creative learning in both communities, and how were they different? or the same? How can peer to peer learning be supported using both?
Relationship between online and offline groups

This is a great topic and a challenge we have always had. Face-to-face and online communities support different and very complementary activities and relationships. I'd be interested to learn more about the simple mechanics of setting up offline groups that participate in an online course. Maybe the EdCamp community is a good case study.

Hey!I couldnĀ“t be in the chat discussion cause of time ,This is a good way to find peers and have comments

Hi Aya! Thanks to introduce this topic. I'm very interested on it specially on the fact that I thing If you are not currently studying or working in a learning or creative environment is likely to be easier to share your passions on line than in the real world. Do you like crocheting? So start a blog about it, have your followers on pinterest and create your own community of crocheters without moving of your couch using FB, Tw, G+ or whatever you want. The same rules will work if you like playing with lego robotics or reading 15th century books but in any case possibly most of your peers won't be from your neigborhood.
But real relationships (sorry, better physical relationships) add something the virtual ones don' t have and that's the reason to have meet ups, Edcamp and so on.
In fact from my point of view the most attractive thing of doing on line courses like this LcL, is the good feeling we have finding people around the world to share our passions with ( despite the fact it's not so easy to find a course like this ;D)
My point is if we were able to apply our on line sharing experience on our neighborhoods perhaps the chance to improve our projects and lives would be really good.
And this is the basis of my project: I would like to create an app to allow us to find people or to let people find us when we are locked on one step of the creative spiro or we simply want to share our wow moment. Am I stucked on my creative moment? Finding others who are creating could unlocked us and we could also help them...it's a win/win relationship though we'll need to come out of our couch....and it's an easy way to create local community empowerment.
I don't know yet how I can create an app so I'll start playing with scratch to explaine my point...What do you think? Some help/advice?

Dear Franca,
I'm absolutely agree with you, the possibility to share our passion is very important.
In the moment we share , collaborate at open project, we realize it is the perfect solution to help us to relize what we heve in mind quickly and very ofter in an easy way.

Great idea for project! One of the most rewarding things I find with taking online courses like this is relationships you develop. If you are lucky, you can maintain them and meet up again with former classmates in other courses. I have been lucky to experience that here in LCL as there are quite a few CCOWers here too. If you are really lucky you may get to meet this online connection in the real world. I also have been fortunate to experience that as well. I think you app brings both of those opportunities together.
Have you thought about checking out MIT App Inventor. The interface is similar to Scratch. I just started tinkering with it myself during Week5 Play activity.

Thanks Sandy!!! I didn't know that App inventor.....I'll try and possibly I'll need help, can I ask you? ;D

Of course, I be happy to help. However, I will warn you, my knowledge is limited as I just started playing around with it myself. I very motivated to learn more about it as well and I am thinking about taking this course.

Hi Jennifer,
I'm interested in this topic, as well. Just posted something in response to Grif about this. Hope you'll keep me in the loop about your work.