Scratch is a good proogramme in order to teach FL
Scratch and Foreign languages

We are very excited to translate Scratch to an indigenous language: nahuatl. We have a girl form Puebla who speak, write and read nahuatl and she was working with me in the UNAM developing reasoning skills with Scratch. Then We want to translate the Scratch instructions and modules to nahuatl, then the peoples talking this widely spread indigenous language in Mexico yet could use Scratch to develop reasoning skills like the other kids and adolescents in Mexico. Be multicultural demand to organize learning environments mediated with technology to be respectful with their "mother language".

That sounds pretty interesting and with nahuatl perfectly done.It could also be useful with other indigenous laguages from the mexican republic.By the way I studied at the UNAM-FES-ACATLAN.
Scratch will be useful for students who are learning a foreign language like french,german,japanese or english in Mexico.also for students that come to Mexico and learn spanish.

Hi. I was in my Spring break vacations, sorry for delay in answer your comment. Thanks.
We are trying to give access to Scratch for people who is unattended in technology use.

Well. We are here. We are a group of Tech in education in the Education School of Mexico UNAM. We have a new project to translate Scratch commands to nahuatl language. Nahuatl is one of the most important indigenous languages in Mexico. There are millions of people who talk this language, but youngsters are leaving behind their culture because cultural changes. We want to help indigenous population to discover that their mother tongue is useful to learn and think. One of our students is an indigenous nahuatl and she is learning didactic of languages to coordinate the translation efforts.
The idea is to challenge nahuatl kids to let them to develop reasoning skills. The idea is get enough knowledge to translate the modules and commands of Scratch to this language.
I appreciate very much geraldiux64 comments and input and the people who show interest in support our work.

Hello! I was kind of busy ,sorry.I´m here. Nahuatl as you said is important ,there are also other indigenous languages that suit very well.I haven´t studied nahuatl but it would be interesting to learn.A good way is to pilot your course with non native students -your main objctive is to help nahuatl speakers or non native ones?

I see that teaching nahuatl kids is your objective.I think you could check how is the computer basis I mean how kids handle the computer.They need practice ,Also with the symbols of scratch students could figure out the meanings of instructiions,
Collaborative work within peers with kids would be useful,The teacher needs to teach students reasoning skills teaching strategies for example.skimming or scanning or make students infere or construct their knowledge.Interactive team work participation would be very important.
We want to help indigenous population to discover that their mother tongue is useful to learn and think. I like your quote because in Mexico therés discrimination for our ancestors languages.Motivating students and make them feel proud about their language is crutial.
The FL teacher needs to be prepared in nahuatl,To know the language and study the vocabulary , phonetics and expressions.
Hello It´s me again why don´t we have a video about the proyect it could be kind of videorecording the girl you mentioned with the scartch screen ! what you think?

Hello!MIT LCL Teachers told us to write down this:L
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