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Scratch-related events and opportunities


If you're interested in Scratch, you might want to check out:

-- Scratch conference: a gathering for educators, researchers, and developers interested in Scratch (August 6-9, 2014, in Cambridge, MA, USA)

-- Scratch Day: a network of events, all around the world, where people gather to learn about Scratch and share ideas and experiences (May 17, 2014)

-- ScratchJr: a new version of Scratch designed specifically for younger children (ages 5-7), to be released later this year


Awesome, thanks Mitch. Have now started organising an event for Scratch Day in my local area.


Thanks had problems with scratch that´s why I haven´t made mine I´m practicing


The Scratchnyc meet up was great last sunday. Here is the link to the May meet up which I am sure will be even better!