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The Great Beauty of Scratch


The Great Beauty of Scratch

Is the title of speech session I will keep during the next Scratch Day in Rome
While kids are partecipating the CoderDojio, their relatives will follow this seminar about Scratch
So, in one hour I would like to talk about Scratch in general and about the benefits from educational (and social) point of view.
Some topics: the history, where Scratch comes from, the relation with Papert & Logo, why is important, code to learn, meaningful concepts: tinkering, the remix, the community, scratch in numbers..
I would like to ask for your contribution, sharing here any ideas or materials useful for this kind of session, like images, presentations, quotes from people/kids about scratch and so on



Of course, no slide but Scratch animation wink

I have simulated little interviews to Papert & @mresmres

Currently it is in italian (sorry, I have no time to translate in english, also because there are audio speeches)

Happy ScratchDay smile