Continuing the discussion from Category for community discussions:
In discussing the best place(s) for general discussion such as discussion questions and off-topic but impassioned conversations, @CyberParra and I began to recall the different areas offered in the Learning Creative Learning Google Community.
There have already been a lot of changes to what looks like our new area, including unique features we did not have at the Google Community.
One change so far has been the different areas available for posting.
@Grif has mentioned a possibility of location-specific posting areas for people to seek out other LCL'ers in their area, and there may be other areas being mulled over.
At the time of this post, we seem to be pared-down to a minimalist five categories (Introduce Yourself, Course Announcements, Ask, Share, and About this Forum).
Through discussion here in About this Forum and by reading the descriptive summaries of each category, it looks like most of the categories we had at the Learning Creative Learning Google Community have been consolidated into these five categories.
This thread aims to look at whether it may be more useful to create additional categories or to leave the new categories as they are and figure out how we can adapt to use them best.
I think a goal in this discussion should be to work even more towards a balance of a few important factors (I use the word "should" objectively and lightly below):
- New users should be able to easily familiarize with the site without feeling lost or overwhelmed.
- A user that wishes to post should be able to have or quickly arrive upon a consistent idea of where to place that post with little room for second-guessing or confusion.
- All types of posts that are expected and encouraged should have a clear area that is easy to find.
- With both posting and reading purposes in mind, areas that encompass multiple types of posts should do so in a way that is complimentary or somehow beneficial and not distracting, overwhelming, or too chaotic in variance.
There might be other items that are important to me for consideration here, but that is all I can think of right now.
That is not to say that those considerations are correct, most-correct, or more-correct. That is not even stating that these forums somehow deviate from those considerations as-is!
What I can say is that when I first came to this new place, I was a little disoriented in part. I was not sure if general discussion had a place yet on one hand, but on the other I was relieved to see the meta discussion area About this Forum. Gosh, I have a lot of hands today. Sheesh.
One of my favorite things about Stack Exchange is the meta discussion area found in different stacks. It makes a lot of sense that we would have something similar here in this collaborative educational experiment. So I really like that.
As far as being a little disoriented, I want to clarify that 1). I can be disoriented easily at first, 2). it was easy enough to work through, 3). it wasn't enough to discourage me in the slightest and I do not feel somehow at loss or disappointed, and 4). that's just me but for any other potentially-disoriented LCL'ers, it will probably become even easier as the unfamiliarized become familiar with the different areas once more content finds its way to the correct areas. It'll probably just be easy to see where things go, and I really am probably focusing too much on this.
I also want to clarify that I think LCL has outdone itself and set another high bar. I think we will be fine whatever happens, and this is going to be exciting.
Does anyone have any ideas about any of this?
Without more feedback from others, I am personally leaning towards wishing we also had a Discussion area like @CyberParra and I have been reminiscing over.
I also liked special areas such as Ask the Panel. I think there are probably a few types of special areas like Ask the Panel that would be useful and that we could have a lot of fun with. For asking the panel, there are alternatives, though, such as Twitter hashtags, questions in chat, and other options, some of which were also explored last round.
Visually, I am relieved, confident, and calm when I see so few categories. However, when I have a posting or reading need/desire and I consider where to put it, some of them such as Share seem busy and almost too much of a Swiss army knife. It is hard to have a strong opinion though since we do not have a lot of users posting yet and part of my perception and feelings are influenced by assumptions I have and ways I imagine this place could grow.
If having a separate Discussions category does not make sense, I feel influenced to desire a sensible amount of subcategories for more orderly navigation. Or tags! I just found a meta discussion on Discourse about Discourse and tags, those might be really useful if we're looking at location-based forum areas and for a lot of other purposes.
Categories and reasonable nests of subcategories are familiar to many in hierarchy's wide use, though, too.
I almost see resources and media as their own thing. When I think about resources, my inner shadetree librarian cries for lots of organization using different methods to suit different methods and purposes of retrieval. But maybe that is not so much of the point here, maybe part of this is an experiment in streaming interaction. I am also not familiar yet with different ways of retrieving and tagging posts in Discourse or LCL's fork of it.
There's a certain mischievousness about my attention span that really enjoys having a page with drastically-different types of content and media. A video here, then a picture, then a short essay, then an event announcement about something interesting, and so on. In the last LCL I really loved to look at a bunch of inspiring and positive projects, resources and discussions and share things myself just before or just after diving into a course assignment or challenge, it was invigorating and helped carry a momentum for me.
Mainly, I'm just really excited and want to try to help make it so that more people have a likelier chance of sharing and finding what they need. It is entirely possible that I am way overanalyzing things out of sleep deprivation and ignorance.
On that note, here's a wacky idea.. what if each user could customize how they saw the forums?
If SO tags and categories were integrated together and we made a whoooole bunch of tweaks on a fork, you could have 3 main views. One view looks just like it does now, just categories on the main page. There could be other blocks and commands, but more on that in a bit. One command could be to switch to tag view. This would take you to a clone portal using the same database that shows posts based on tags, with a focus on the ability to search tags, select multiple tags, etc. A third view could have a little of both. There could also be additional functions like set one of the views as your default view, edit what is shown on each view, save different versions of how each view is shown as a view profile that can be retrieved using meta-tags for specific purposes, share view profiles with others, add/remove categories and tags from different view profiles, and other functions. For the balanced view that shows posts by tag and category, that view by default could also share a focus with social activity notification within the Discourse system for that user. Make any block for a given view profile customizable. I don't know if that would do well here, that might do better for something with way more content of way more different types. Maybe it'd be too clunky and unusable no matter the purpose, I don't know. But I do like the idea of thinking about ways users can customize how they search for, view and interact in the interface itself. If we can figure out better and more ways that people with different habits, needs, and preferences can get different experiences in interface for their need while being able to interact as if nothing about interface were different with other users using the same system differently we might be bridging some important gaps. Can anyone help me make sense of anything I'm trying to say here? Just a wild idea, anyway. Maybe we could use tags at least, though, seriously.
Maybe someone else has some thoughts and feedback? What do you all think about how categories are set up?
What would you change? Would you add anything, remove anything, etc.?
Or do you like it how it is? What are your thoughts?
Should we just be patient and wait and see what they have planned for us already?