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Transmedia Adventure Workshop


Hi Makers!

I’d love to create a peer-learning group on the topics of

° Heroes Journey

° Game design

° Adventure Design

° Transmedia Storytelling

° Arts Integration

° Action, Project or Connected Learning

° Cross Generational Mentorship

About Me

My name is Rebecca Stees. I’m the founder of Art Yowza, established 2004. I teach creative confidence through the heroes journey.

I’ve realized what my young art campers need if they want to make important contributions in the world is entrepreneurial skills.

This is the first year I’m adding a transmedia game layer on top of my summer camp.
I can see a lot of applications for adventure design in education.

I’m excited and scared as I’m going through my own heroes journey to change my camp to bring this new awareness alive.

My creative learning goals are

  1. Create value
  2. Learn something new
  3. Have a good time

Looking forward to connecting with you!
Rebecca Stees

I’d appreciate feedback from like-minded folk.
Also, I’m happy to contribute to other creative learning adventure games.


I'd like to participate in this group... I'll add some more thoughts soon, but this all has a lot of overlap with what I'm working on and looking to do more of.

I'm interested in all of the above topics, though cross-generational mentorship jumps out at me for discussion. One aspect of this to consider is how mentorship can work both ways... and when young learners are empowered to give feedback and do some reverse-mentoring, I think interesting things can happen.

On another note, is anyone else around here familiar with conducttr, an interactive transmedia storytelling platform?

(Thanks to @artyowza for pointing it out to me.)


I really like the topics


Hello Rebecca!

I was looking at the general topic and I had an instant click with the first of the subject you proposed: Hero's Journey.
It's a great theme and I fell in love with it when seeing the documentary Finding Joe while volunteering for a Romanian NGO that helps people become aware of their happiness and its importance.
Also, I had a chance to see this concept in a summer camp for children, then in a workshop with a Swedish trainer.
As an educational trainer, in full development of my abilities, I'm really passionate about finding ways to make Hero's Journey accessible to children in different types of activities. Right now I'm working on such a design to be delivered in May.

Also, I think Adventure design is well connected to this topic and I'd love to discover more together.

Another subject I resonate with is storytelling. I love writing and working with children so they can tell their own story. So I am interested in Transmedia Storytelling too.

Let's see if we can go further in this conversation or have a hangout. Really happy to be here smile