We posted all the videos on Youtube from this week for your to watch and share your thoughts:
Videos for Week 1 (link)

Or, you can download the video files from week 1 by clicking on the links below:
Download Video 1 - Introduction to the Media Lab
Download Video 2 - Creative Learning Overview

Having trouble watching YouTube files? Download the video files from @srishakatux in the post above!

Perfect, Thank you all for your efforts.

Video 1's download link is incorrect.

Thanks for letting us know! We've revised the link in the post above by @srishakatux so it is correct now: http://llk.media.mit.edu/courses/lcl/2014/LCL-2014-Week1-1-Intro.mov

Thank you for the downloadable versions. I see a few people in chat that are youtube censored/blocked.

Thanks for supporting this issue MJ

Are there text or subtitled versions available?
Non-subtitled videos have accessibility limitations for the deaf community.