Just wondering what everyone has been up to since the last LCL!
I saw some people post updates in their introduction thread already, but I'd like to read more about what's been going on.
Have you started or completed any exciting projects since the last LCL?
Any exciting examples of how you were able to apply the LCL experience to the real world?
What's been going on with ya?
I've been diving deeper into MaKey MaKey, Scratch, Arduino, and RaspberryPi. I tried my first crowdfunded campaign. I ended up needing to bail out after refunding everyone, but was also able to raise a little money for a favorite charity and learn a whole heck of a lot about crowdfunding in the process. I've also been trying different MOOCs and learning experiences, mostly haunting my local hackerspace. Other than that, it has been the daily grind with a slightly more positive slant than pre-LCL.
Almost everything I create with other learners/tinkerers in mind such as a designing a collaborative workshop involves me consciously reflecting on different topics and experiences from the first LCL, so I would have to say that I've been able to apply to the real world often.
That's some of what I've been up to since the last LCL. What about you?