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What have you been doing since LCL?


Just wondering what everyone has been up to since the last LCL!

I saw some people post updates in their introduction thread already, but I'd like to read more about what's been going on.

Have you started or completed any exciting projects since the last LCL?

Any exciting examples of how you were able to apply the LCL experience to the real world?

What's been going on with ya?

I've been diving deeper into MaKey MaKey, Scratch, Arduino, and RaspberryPi. I tried my first crowdfunded campaign. I ended up needing to bail out after refunding everyone, but was also able to raise a little money for a favorite charity and learn a whole heck of a lot about crowdfunding in the process. I've also been trying different MOOCs and learning experiences, mostly haunting my local hackerspace. Other than that, it has been the daily grind with a slightly more positive slant than pre-LCL.

Almost everything I create with other learners/tinkerers in mind such as a designing a collaborative workshop involves me consciously reflecting on different topics and experiences from the first LCL, so I would have to say that I've been able to apply to the real world often.

That's some of what I've been up to since the last LCL. What about you?


Startet on my master of arts in ICT based educational design at Aarhus University. Looking forward to see what this course can bring and add to our design project which we are doing in the moment.

and of course alot of other projects and ideas based on how kids rediscover their creativity and imagination smile


I attended the Constructing Modern Knowledge Institute over the summer, and it was by far the best professional experience I've had.

Rolled out a second iteration to my DIY/Maker senior seminar in January. 17 kids are playing with Arduino, Makey Makey, 3D modeling, and e-textiles. I'm working with an amazing group of kids. They and the class have made my semester.

Looking forward to more engaging conversations with the reboot of LCL.


HackSchooling school two daughters, age 5 & 7. Installing a room in our house for tinkering that we call The Zap Shack wink


Another LCLer and I re-designed social change learning events using the creative learning concepts we gained from the first LCL. We are not techies, we barely function on computers (though my colleague was able to do Scratch and I bailed out of frustration!), but we distilled from LCL1, all the amazing learning ideas and re-imagined what was possible in creating learning environments in developing country settings in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Since last year, we have held 3 learning events on social and behavior change in Bangladesh, Zanzibar and just last month in Nepal, and remotely supported an event in Bolivia, and are remotely supporting another event in Nigeria this week. These learning events are built on using human rights-based approaches that highlight the difference between duty bearers (those in a position of authority or responsibility) vs. rights holders (those who should be able to claim their human rights, but for so many reasons often cannot). It's not easy to create a learning event with one country team, let alone several together (as was the case in Zanzibar), but we have managed to create a learning environment that although it begins with us, the participants end up taking over more and more of the responsibility and management of the event over the course of the five days we spend together. It's been an amazing experience so far, and to see the look of self-realization on the faces of people who didn't think they knew about a particular topic - and then realize they actually DO know a lot more than they realized - it's just incredible.


Hi Shari, we and others will be interested during LCL2 to learn more about how you figured out ways to apply the creative learning concepts to your work on social change. You've inspired us to include a project area for the second part of the course that's focused on applying the concepts from LCL to other fields, and hope you can share your experience and feedback with us and others during that process.


As you may know, many people from our Lifelong Kindergarten group and others interested in creative learning will be coming to Aarhus University for the Interaction Design and Children conference starting June 17.


Yep i know, i'm hoping to be there also. Our current projects on design thinking at my master study, is gonna be public showed at IDC2014.


Hi Natalie! Looking forward to it. And yes, I was really happy to see the project component this year...


Hi! I think your daughters ages are perfect for this! great idea! Please share some picture when avaiable! So curious!


I should come..everyday my daughther says "I want to be a Lego designer" since she was born...