I´ve been reflecting around Creativity, consider myself as a kind of creative person. It confuses me, it´s so slippery.
In the late -80 early -90 Dr. Matti Bergstrom, Prof. Em. of Physiology, Finland told us that the children have to be wild and playing around a lot. To much "knowledgepressure" affected their brains creativity. Yeah, that´s for me...
If you are creative you must know a lot first, said another cognitive researcher. Fair enough... (ex. improvisation in Jazzmusic).
But the kids in kindergarten couldn´t be abel to know a lot, but are really creative (or is it "only" imagination).
So, now when I have creativityexperts from all around the world; What is the essence of creativity?
I´m confused... please confuse me on a higher level. What the heck is creativity?