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What is the relationship between creative learning and rapid prototyping?


So, here's a question for all you creative tinkerers, inventors, innovators, and thinkers:

What are main factors that kind of frame out the relationship between creative learning and rapid prototyping?

What are things to consider about how one may influence another, what are the main roles for this relationship, and what are ways we can explore encouraging richer creative learning and rapid prototyping relationships as well as various purposes and needs addressed with these relationships?

I'm thinking there is a fairly substantive horizon to explore in this broad topic that can impact education, technology, and job futures, and there may be fertile ground to develop helpful solutions in method and resources going forward.

Success can be seen as evident in maker environments such as Makerspaces, Hackerspaces, FabLabs, and any shared STEAM environment utilizing rapid prototyping such as 3D printing, CNC devices, laser cutters, and other technologies in collaborative creative learning environments. It seems apparent that there is plenty of room to explore here and this is reflected in many different global conversations in academia, media, and friendly banter. What are ways we can help improve how we encourage, shape, utilize and harness the momentum of the DIY and do-it-together maker movement when teaming rapid prototyping with creative learning?

What are your thoughts here?


Creative learning is like oxygen to a fire when it comes to intrinsic motivation. With intrinsic motivation there is no such thing as "I can’t" and the I can do anything posture is the attitude required for rapid anything, especially rapid prototyping.



That's the most exciting thing I have read all day, and also hints at factors other than rapid prototyping important in things like the maker movement.

You mentioned earlier that you have experience in manufacturing yourself.

Have you noticed any examples of how creative learning and rapid prototyping may be affected or impacted by the other?


@James_B you asked Have you noticed any examples of how creative learning and rapid prototyping may be affected or impacted by the other?

Creative learning and rapid prototyping as a process are the opposite of what traditional factory learning methods model and teach when practiced using the bottom up path described by Bloom in his Bloom’s Taxonomy. Reversing the path of learning by first allowing individuals to find their passion(s) in life, then starting at the top of the Bloom pyramid and through a never ending process of creating, failing fast, then digging deeper, you model the creative learning / quick prototyping model that best fits the world we grow and live in today.

Top down Bloom is destined to succeed when we talk about allowing people to acquire knowledge and become productive members of society. Today, while the bottom up approach to Bloom is still being practiced by the majority of educational organizations, we are producing students who lack vision, motivation, and see learning as a chore instead of an exciting opportunity.


Construction-ism is supported by a faster iteration cycle through rapid prototyping methods. The more ideas you have, the more you can mix and match and be creative (through the process of trying things out). Hence, rapid methods may lead to an increase in creativity.